Digital Transformation Strategy Consulting

Advancing from the vision to a concrete strategy is difficult. We help businesses embrace holistic digital transformation that consolidates the change in four main aspects: business model transformation, end-to-end experience change, building cloud infrastructure, and setting a data-driven organization.

Approaching Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is a global tendency in business to shift from physical operating models and value delivery to digital. Since the 1990s, when digitalization disrupted music and entertainment industries, up to the mobile and social media revolutions in 2010s, technology has been leading the world to the hyper digitalization era. Today there’s no industry left immune to change. Businesses have to embrace transformation to stay on board.

The first path imposes the holistic replacement the physical value with the digital. E.g. brick-and-mortar stores and rental services that were offering films and music went obsolete as soon as online video-streaming proved its convenience. But digital transformation doesn’t necessarily mean the replacement of a physical proposition.
The second path is to preserve physical value but digitalize processes. Here, the change impacts the ways brands connect with the digital audience, automate internal operations, and cooperate with partners. This should be applied for less disrupted industries like food retail. To make the first step you are always bound to choose the path.

The Experto’s strategy is to adhere to the holistic transformation approach. We don’t segregate customer experience from employee experience, or partner experience, but rather consider them as the components of the end-to-end experience mechanism. To successfully enable it, we help businesses modernize legacy systems, leverage the whole potential of the cloud-centric infrastructure, and utilize data science expertise to build data-driven organizations.

Business Model Transformation

Rebuild your legacy system and set up the plan of the further Business Transformation from Physical to Digital.

Partner Experience Transformation

Align fragmented experiences of your customers, employees, and partners into a coherent Digital Mechanism.

Digital Infrastructure

Wire all end-points to a unified infrastructure by shifting computing, support, and IoT from the internal IT to a cloud.

Data-Driven Organisation

Employ data collection and machine learning techniques to shift from the descriptive to Predictive Analytics model.